Donald Oorst Web Master and sole surviving member of the criminal gangster group Fight Dem Back. Donald Oorst aka Duck Monster.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Liar fucking liar!

From the Fight Dem Back Criminal Gangsters' Forum:

duck monster
Remember,remember, the fifth of November
Joined: 14 May 2005
Posts: 2160
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:26 am Post subject:

“I think miller beat the charges on that. Which was shocking, because it was self evident to most observers that the charges where correct. Good lawyers win cases.

Check via the front page whats (sic) in there, and your (sic) welcome to hit the search button at the top and search him.

The more in depth info FDB has, we simply cant go giving out for operational security reasons, and because some of it isnt (sic) directly verifiable yet. FDB has an information vetting process where we require a certain degree of verification of facts first before releasing it to make sure we get the facts right. Finally we have a policy of not giving geographical information out that could lead to vigilante stuff. Unlike Nic or Ben Weerheym, we do not 'call for hits' and prefer to stick within the law.

Now disclaimer aside, if theres (sic) anything you want to know, just post and we'll see if we can answer.”

The tragic buffoon Donald Oorst’s illiteracy is matched only by his hypocrisy and proclivity to lie through his fuckin’ teeth. The motley crew of criminal sociopaths known as FDB have repeatedly performed feats of blundering destruction on innocent people’s lives that a bull in a china shop would be hard pressed to match.

With unequalled brute force and ignorance they have persisted in going ahead with personal smear campaigns on their political adversaries on the flimsiest of ‘evidence’ and when, more often than not, their claims have been proven baseless they utterly refuse to retract or apologise.
The Frank White and Jim Perren cases are the most notorious, (See the archives of the 'Victor Whitelaw' Blog for the full stories on these and other political atrocities committed by FDB) the true facts refuting their claims having long been available to FDB, although others too have been ruthlessly attacked by these gutless FDB cowards.

As far as not passing along details that might physically endanger their targets. BULLSHIT! We have evidence, real, hard evidence that they have and continue to do precisely this BEHIND the scenes. FDB just don’t openly ADMIT they do this. And trying to bluff everyone by implying they are holding back lots of information. Well, dear Donny duckmonster must truly believe everyone is as wretchedly stupid as he is.

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